Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Eating my Scienc Project

The other day I had a special scienc class for home school kids. We learned how to how to write a science lab report. We wrote "How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich". We exchanged papers and had to follow someone elses intructions to make a sandwich. Our teacher said we had to act like we didn't even know what a PBJ was and told us we had to follow the other person's written instructions. It was fun to eat the sandwiches we made.


Susan said...

You are such a smart kid. Glad you liked the writing workshop. It was fun to hang around the school, huh?

crispy said...

Glad you are having fun.

-Auntie Cris

Lee and Bev said...

Hey - what a great project! Did you have good instructions to follow? I'm sure it was fun being with other kids and hanging around with Joel.

Grammy & Papa