Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Injury report

I got hit by a car the other day. It was very painfull. I was the frist person that got hit by a car in our family so that was a weird experience. Thankfully the car didn't hit me too hard and I only badly bruised my legs. I was taken the hospital in the ambulance, but was too hurt and worried to enjoy it. They x-rayed my legs, and thankfully they weren't broken. I was walking on the road when the car hit me. Tokyo has very narrow streets and huge cemant walls on the corners. I am very thankful God protected me and was watching over me. Here is a picture after I recovered.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Eating my Scienc Project

The other day I had a special scienc class for home school kids. We learned how to how to write a science lab report. We wrote "How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich". We exchanged papers and had to follow someone elses intructions to make a sandwich. Our teacher said we had to act like we didn't even know what a PBJ was and told us we had to follow the other person's written instructions. It was fun to eat the sandwiches we made.